Make your inbox a bit more interesting

I come up with the idea of starting this newsletter series, Thought Snippets, after I felt a need to share some of my unique perspectives on things I care about (and obviously, things I believe people should care about too).

Usually, I would think blog articles do a better job at persuading and convincing. But not only it takes so much longer to put together a well-researched and written article, it also makes people life seem all so serious.

Back when I still used to be on social media, the only good moments I could remember was when I shared the hard takes of life, a unique perspective, or my lame humor.

I actually enjoyed doing that.

Social media isn’t good for our mental health at the end of the day. I had to quit. But now, I decided that I’d manage to find my own platform to have all the freedom of speech.

Be inspired 📩

    I won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

    *P.S. If you know Zettelkasten to a certain degree, you know this is my fleeting notes.

    I don’t want to store my fleeting notes in my central note-taking hub on Heptabase, as I know I won’t dig into the card box and take a second look at them. At the meantime I still find them somewhat valuable, so here we go.